The weekend started a few hours early when I ditched work to go attend MIkayla's gymnastics meet down in Kirkland.
Much to our surprise, there were a billion kids in this meet. Much different from the last meet which had like... six kids. Here are some of them:
Regardless, they rotated the gymnasts in groups through the various events and the whole thing was done within two hours or so.
Mikayla performed quite well and seemed to have a good time.
Alexia, on the other hand, was growing weary of all this waiting around. Maybe she was feeling a bit left out. Maybe.
On Saturday, Alexia had another basketball game while Mikayla had to attend the Choir contest in Bellingham.
Here is Alexia showing off some of her skills in a pre-game warmup.
Here is Mikayla (& Mikaela) singing Let It Be (again) in Bellingham. It's a long video because I also captured the judges comments.
We aren't sure why they keep calling this a contest because it seems there are no scores or winners or losers. Don't ask me... I'm just the reporter.
Sunday involved a typical morning at church. Well, actually it wasn't all that typical. "Typical" would generally mean that we taught Sunday School to the 6 & 7 year olds. This particular Sunday we did that... plus we were ushers and greeters. How did we manage? I have no idea. ;)
After Church, Alexia and I grabbed our backpacks and went in search of a good hike. We first attempted to hike at Tenant Lake near Ferndale, WA. After climbing a tower (61 steps) and then embarking on the boardwalk we were turned around when the boardwalk became submerged.
We turned around and hiked over to Hovander Park where we searched for bird nests, fed some turkeys, fed some geese, climbed another tower (41 steps) and found a playground. And got rained on, a little.
Not satisfied, we made our way back to the car and made our way to Lake Samish Park where we hiked up the Powerline Hill to her favorite Big Rock, taking waterfall pictures, dodging snake holes and avoiding blackberry bushes along the way.
While we were out braving the elements, M & T ventured out to the mall for M to do a little window shopping with friends while T embarked on a serious deal shopping extravaganza.
We all met back at home for a nice dinner and to kick back to enjoy the evening together.
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