Sunday, July 18, 2010

K9 Camp-Out

The girl's 4H club hosted a "K9 Camp-Out" at the local fairgrounds a few weeks ago.

This event included two days of dog related classes and activities, plus an overnight in one of the barns at the fairgrounds.

Just ignore the sign at the front gate.

The purpose of the event was to raise money for the 4H club to help pay for club projects and expenses.

Kids from other 4H clubs from across the state were invited and there ended up being more than 50 kids signing up.

One of the classes focused on dog agility. It's great to give the kids and their pets more time to become familiar with the agility equipment whenever possible. Dog agility is always an exciting sport to watch at the Fair.

Pairs of kids competed against other teams to complete a set of assigned tasks, in order, to win prizes. Tasks involved transporting a balloon without using your hands, putting curlers in your own hair, transporting an egg on a spoon, finding a 1982 penny in a pool of water... and lots of pennies, eating marshmellows and chocolate syrup without using your hands, plus a host of other get-wet or get-dirty tasks. Lots of fun was had by the participants, but the spectators had just as much fun watching the events take place.

Upon their arrival at the fairgrounds, we took a photo of the kid and the dog posing together. That night we had the photos developed and the kids then used the printed photo as part of a craft project. The pictures were 'modge podged' to ceramic tiles and then decorated by the kids. A nice little craft that enabled everyone to bring home something to commemorate the weekend.

A local vet came by and taught the kids how to administer first aid to injured dogs. They practiced putting splints on dogs pretending they had broken paws.

At the end of the first day of activities, the kids were treated to a showing of Beverly Hills Chihuahua and popcorn.

Another popular event at the Fair is Showmanship. Showmanship is where the kids pose their dog for the judge in the ring alongside other dogs.

The kids enjoyed a hands-on class about making their own dog treats.
I didn't get to see the recipe, but I do know that if you happen to find a baggie of unidentified stuff in our freezer, it's wise to check with the kids before you eat it.

All in all it seemed like the event went very well and all the participants (kids and dogs and parents) felt like it was a fun, educational and entertaining event.


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