Friday, February 6, 2009

Catching Up

You would think that after our hectic holiday season that things would slow down for a bit. Well, not in our family. It's been go-go-go and stress-stress-stress for way too long.

Some people thrive on that. I don't think I'm one of them.

Here is a quick catch up for those of you who aren't on Tanya's Daily Calling List:

> The girls school hosted the Missoula Children's Theater group the other week. Both girls were able to participate in this years play: Hansel & Gretel. Alexia was a Wallybird while Mikayla volunteered for the Assistant Producer role.

Alexia was overheard asking "Why would you want to be the Assistant Producer? You don't even get to be on stage!"

> Alexia continues to play basketball (games every Saturday... c'mon up!). She also seems to be coming down with a cold so wish her well.

> The girls have been begging to go to the library for a few days but we just couldn't fit it into our hectic schedules. Finally we found a 30 minute period to rush down to the library to pick up a few books before Basketball practice.
Anyone wanting a book about dogs or tigers is going to be out of luck for a while. The two girls checked out 30 books... in 30 minutes. Surely a record of some kind.
Here are a few of them:

> Speaking of books, I would like to say a sincere THANKS! to those of you who ordered one of my books. I'm glad that people other than myself find it unique enough to own one. For those of you who haven't bought one yet (or didn't even know that there is a book), here are a couple photos of it:

The link on this page should take you to the 2nd edition. The 2nd is the same as the 1st with only a couple of proofreading fixes and photo placement changes (same photos, different layout).

> Eric & Tanya have both been busy at work. Lots going on for us both but we're trying to cherish the times we have.

> Mikayla will be showing off her spelling skills on Monday (2/9/09) when she participates in the Little Mountain Spelling Bee.

Our apologies for the slacking off in Blog postings. Hopefully we'll have more exciting news to share soon.


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