Friday, June 12, 2009

2nd Grade Winter Concert... in June.

The much awaited 2nd Grade Winter concert was held at Alexia's school this morning.

It was originally scheduled for December, but was cancelled due to the memorable weather. The same weather that kicked off our fantastic Christmas vacation.

So... with three days of school left, I was able to attend the concert this morning. It is nice that they didn't stick with the original winter songs.

Honestly, it was truly the best Elementary School concert I've seen in a long time, and Alexia performed wonderfully. They sang, they played xylophones, did a dance and waved around pastel scarves that would have made any number of glam rock bands jealous in the mid 80's.

Here she is, sharing her heart warming smile with everyone.

Here is the concert video. This is the SHORT version. That means it's just under 10 minutes long (you've been warned). I say it's the short version because the full version is almost 13 minutes. You're only missing three songs.

If you really want to hear the missing songs, just ask Alexia to perform them live for you. Be sure to ask her to demonstrate her "Role Model Walk" while you are at it.

Here (hopefully) is the video:

Spring Concert 2009 from Eric Rolfs on Vimeo.

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