Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What did you say?

Do you ever say something that doesn't make any sense?

Here is an example:

Imagine you are a mother.
You are in a hurry.
You are trying to encourage a child of yours, who might be about 9 years old, to finish getting dressed.
Relatively quickly.
Maybe you intended to say:
"Now go put on your clothes."
but instead you actually say:
"Now go put on your pancakes."

Here is another example:

Imagine you are really mad.
You are about 9 years old.
You are in your room.
Maybe your dad is trying to talk to you, really calmly.
Probably you really don't want to listen to his logical nonsense right now and just want him out of your room.
Maybe you intended to say:
"Get Out Of My Room!"
but instead you actually say:
"Get Out Of My Mouth!"

It's hard not to laugh when those things happen.
Even if it makes people more mad.


1 comment:

  1. I get the impression that you speak from experience! Nice to know it happens to other people besides just us!! :-)
