Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Discovering Treasure!

When I arrived home from a recent hike to Big Four Mountain, the house was unusually quiet.

It didn't take long for me to notice both kids playing together out in the backyard. They were playing. Together. Nicely. Voluntarily.


Not wanting to disturb whatever forces were responsible for this unusual situation it seemed wise to find the camera. And notify Tanya, lest she might not believe it. Like how she sometimes doubts my stories (such as the one about the insane cat that we had to chase out a 2nd story window to save our own lives back in 1993).

Before making my way upstairs to inform her of this rare spectacle my attention was distracted by the need for a cool glass of water. Then it seemed important to unpack my hiking gear before the dogs adopted it as a new chew toy.

By the time everything was cleaned up the kids were no longer visible in the backyard.

Where did they run off to?

Better go investigate to make sure they aren't building hobo camps out in the meadow again.

While descending the staircase down to the back patio, my ears were met with the excited whoops and exclamations of kids having a great time, very similar to what pirates probably sound like upon discovering a new treasure.

The sounds were coming from just around the corner of the house where the only exciting thing is a hose, thin grass and probably a multitude of spiders.

The sounds and voices get closer when suddenly they come into view as Mikayla and Alexia round the corner of the house. They are pushing an office chair through the grass and wood chips.

It's not our office chair.

It's the office chair that I remembered seeing just across the street upon my arrival at home a short while ago.

The chair had "FREE" written on a piece of paper which was taped to the chair.

The kids were totally excited about their treasure and I was excited for them... but I made them take it back anyway.

Sorry kids. One day you'll probably do the same.

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