Saturday, March 26, 2011


Before I  run out to start the spring yard-clean-up today (which must be very similar to Native American's "Rain Dance" because it never fails that once I start, so does the rain), I thought I'd take a moment to share a few 'Precious' images with you.

Precious #1:
Our 1997 Camry was nicknamed "Precious" by its previous owner (a friend of mine).  All the detailed maintenance records for the Camry are in our desk drawer, in a file marked simply marked as "Precious".  Tanya had a few questions about that file when she first stumbled across it one day.

Anyway, I'm pleased to announce that Precious reached 200,000 miles this week.  Double Thumbs Up to Precious for always being reliable... we haven't had a single mechanical problem with her.  I don't blame her for the tire blowout from a few months ago of course.  Even after the little collision that killed her evil stepbrother (Mr. 98 Camry, on the right), she's been as trustworthy as she was on day #1.

Precious #2:
A few weeks ago we had to have our precious siamese cat put down.  She'd been having kidney trouble for about six months and finally the time had come where it was clear she wasn't feeling up to the weather.  We miss you Daisy!

Thank you for being my BFF and standing up to the ornamental dogs with me.  Guess I'm on my own now.  (FWIW, Daisy, the bird didn't get fed for a few days while Tanya was sick, but they're both doing fine now).

Precious #3:
While Tanya was sick (and while I was trying my best to take care of her without getting myself sick), someone had to bring her meals to her in bed.
Insisting that she was "Starvin' Marvin", we whipped up a batch of waffles, scrambled eggs and strawberries for her, and arranged it all with care.
Upon delivery, T had completely konked out.  DOH!

A few days later, we decided to send her some her another dish of food.  This was less colorful, but had the requested ingredients... and she stayed awake for delivery.

That's all for now.  We'll be at a last-chance effort to qualify for Gymnastics Level 5 Sectionals on Sunday, so wish us (Mikayla) luck!


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