Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quote Of The Day

If you've been keeping up with us in real life, you'd know that we've had the flu going around our house for... oh, about the last 13 days or so.

It started out with Mikayla developing some troubling symptoms about two weeks ago.  She managed pretty well and somehow avoided a fever, escaping with a lingering cough and rolling her eyes everytime I ask her to do something.

From there it went downhill fast.  Alexia missed four days of school and a weekend, but she was nice enough to share her condition with Tanya.  Such rewards for being the loving mother.  Tanya's been confined to bed for about a week now, but she's recently become mobile again and was spotted once in the kitchen, once in the office and twice resting at the top of the stairs.  So, it seems like she's finally on the way to recovery.

It's tough to be that sick... and I'm sure she's plenty tired of resting (hey, that's almost a joke!).

So, while I was at work today, deep into programming a complex report that would solve my problem of the day, my cell phone rings.

It was Tanya.  She sounded almost like her usual un-flu self.  She also sounded annoyed and frustrated.  Here is how our short conversation went:

E:  Hello?
T:  (Sighs)  Hi.  I can't get on the internet.
E:  Why not?
T:  I don't know.  The computer just won't open facebook.  I've tried twice.
E:  Did you shut it down and restart it?
... here is the quote of the day....:
T:  No!  I don't have time for that!

She must have a skewed sense of 'busy' with her 7 day flu-cation.

Somehow, knock on wood, I've escaped from the flu-nami, so far.  Now that everyone is almost better, I expect my "Office futon-cation" may be nearing an end.


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